Uses of Class

Packages that use HyphenationException The main package of HyFo

Uses of HyphenationException in

Methods in that throw HyphenationException
 void AlphabetBuilder.add_class(String str)
          Adds a character class for the Alphabet.
 void BigTernaryTree.add(int[] key, int index, int data, int node_num)
          Inserts the subkey represented by the array of Unicode codepoints and associated data.
protected  TernaryTree HyphenationTreeBuilder.build_tree(Map<String,HyphenBreak[]> map, HyphenDataCache data_cache)
          Builds and returns a TernaryTree mapping string keys to arrays of HyphenBreaks.
static HyphenationTree HyphenationTree.deserialize_tree(String id)
          Deserializes a HyphenationTree, given an id, normally a language or language_country specifier, by which a serialized tree can be identified.
 Alphabet AlphabetBuilder.get_alphabet()
          Returns the Alphabet constructed from the character classes.
protected  HyphenBreak HyphenationTreeBuilder.get_mod_ref(ModifierReference ref, InstanceType context)
          Gets the HyphenBreak corresponding to the Modifier named by this ModifierReference, in the named context.
 void ShortTernaryTree.initialize_data_array()
          Finalizes the data initialization of this ShortTernaryTree.
 void BigTernaryTree.initialize_data_array()
          Finalizes the data initialization of this BigTernaryTree.
 void TernaryTree.initialize_data_array()
          When all the data for the tree has been added, initialize the tree data to minimize space requirements.
 void BigTernaryTree.insert_mid(String[] keys, Map<String,Integer> map, int lo, int hi)
          Given a ascending sorted array of keys, a map associating a datum with each key, the index of the least key to be inserted (lo) and the index of the greatest key to be inserted (hi), perform a balanced add of all of the keys between the least and the greatest, inclusive.
protected  void HyphenationTreeBuilder.process_instance(InstanceType type, List<PatternElement> list, Alphabet alphabet, Map<String,HyphenBreak[]> map)
          Process a pattern instance, adding it to the given map.
protected  void HyphenationTreeBuilder.process_text_element(StringBuilder text_chars_as_classes, TextElement text_el, InstanceType type)
          Process a text element from an exception or hyphenation pattern.
protected  void HyphenationTreeBuilder.process_text_instance(InstanceType type, TextElement text_el, Alphabet alphabet, Map<String,HyphenBreak[]> map)
          Process a text instance, adding it to the given map.

Constructors in that throw HyphenationException
HyphenBreak(byte weight, Alphabet alphabet)
          Constructs a HyphenBreak with the given weight and default Modifier values.
HyphenBreak(char ch, Alphabet alphabet)
          Constructs a HyphenBreak with a weight derived from the given character, and default Modifier values.
HyphenBreak(Modifier modifier)
          Constructs a HyphenBreak with the given Modifier.
HyphenInhibitor(Byte weight, Alphabet alphabet)
          Creates a new instance of HyphenInhibitor
Modifier(Alphabet alphabet, String nobreak, String prebreak, String postbreak)
          Constructs a modifier with the given no-break, pre-break and post-break strings.
ShortTernaryTree(int size)
          Creates a new instance of ShortTernaryTree

Copyright © 2005-2006 Peter B. West.