I have been using NetBeans . I recommend the current release, 5.5, to get you started with Folio. The checkout contains an nbproject directory, so from the NetBeans File menu you can Open Project. Navigating to the parent of the Folio directory you have checked out, the Folio directory should look like this. (Note the adornment to the normal folder icon.) Select the Folio folder and Open Project Folder.
For help in setting up a working environment, email me at <folio @ pbw . id . au>.
The project is back under CVS control, but may be migrating to Darcs soon.
The source code can be browsed using viewvc. The tree can be downloaded using anonymous CVS, as described here. The modulename is Folio.
Developers requiring write access to the repository will need:
Developers access working files in the projects through the
SourceForge shell server:
E.g. ssh username@sh.sf.net
Login will leave you in your home directory. For user
. The
project Folio locations are:
Go to Folio Project Summary page.